Clicking on the tabs at the top of the notebook image switches the current file over to another one. As displayed, up to four players can save their progress. If the file is empty when clicked on, you will be prompted to name the new file. This creates a new file starting from scratch.
Each save file displays the missions that have been completed. When you begin a fresh tour of duty you will be asked to type in your file name. Once done you will be able to play through each of the missions in order. The currently selected mission is highlighted in red and you can play any mission you’ve completed by selecting the relevant mission file.
Clicking on the Missing Briefing icon will play a short mission video, unfolding the story of Captain Mann. Sometimes there is information that may prove important to complete the mission, so Pay attention!
The mission brief provides you with the details of the mission ahead. Read it carefully, as it will tell you exactly what you have to achieve to accomplish each mission. The brief may also contain important hints on how to actually play the game, so study it thoroughly. Just below the brief you are shown the spec of your helicopter for that particular mission and any armaments or support attached to it.
Cheat Options
On each mission there is a ‘target mission efficiency’ that you must achieve in order to earn a cheat. This target is presented on the mission debrief after the ‘mission efficiency’. The cheats are spread over the varying difficulty levels as well. So on mission 1.1 - Armed Recon you can only get that cheat on ‘Veteran’ level. The next mission 1.2 - dust off, you can only get that cheat on ‘Ace’ level, the next one you can get on ‘Rookie’ and so on.
When you click on the dog tags, the text will change to the cheat menu, click the cheat you want activated and it will toggle on and off. You can only play missions that you’ve completed when you have any cheat activated.